Antenna SMA UHF
Antenna SMA-connector, ideal for DVMEGA hotspots. UHF amateur-band compatible...
5.00 €
NOTE: We use high quality filament for printing. All boxes are printed with NGEN, which can stand hi..
15.00 €
BlueTooth dongle
Bluetooth USB-device, to make BlueDV work via bluetooth on your PC. It is compatible with BlueStack1..
4.00 €
USB adaptor based on CH340 chipset. This unit can be used for TTL/5V/3.3V levels. Recognised in wind..
5.00 €
Diamond SRH805S
Diamond antenna, covers 3 bands: 144/430/1200 MHz. Fits several radio's, and DVMEGA boards. Usefu..
15.00 €
Mini USB TV Stick Digital USB 2.0 TV FM + DAB DVB-T RTL2832U + FC0012 Supports SDR..
19.00 €
DVMEGA-Cast radio upgrade-kit
With this kit you can install a pi-radio inside of the DVMEGA-Cast, enabling the hotspot mode. This ..
10.00 €
microSD-USB 2.0 adaptor
Read/write to and from a microSD-cart via a USB-port. Simple to use, simple design. Color ca..
4.00 €
MicroUSB cable
MicroUSB cable, ideal for use with the BlueStackMicro-line, and also usefull with MikroProg (LittleR..
5.00 €
The nanoFan is an addon for the myDV-nano units. It fits underneath the myDV-nano, and cools the uni..
20.00 €
Nanopi neo is a very small pc that can run linux OS.We also use these in our mydv-nano units. Uni..
40.00 €
Nextion 2.4"
Nextion 2.4" touchscreen to fit the AMBE3000 system, alo used in kit's. Original itead hardware! ..
30.00 €