Complete Solutions
Plug and play kit for DMR!
This kit consists of a complete setup to get started with DMR.
It inclu..
295.00 €
The DVMEGA-Cast is an internet based HAM-tranceiver, providing you with D-star, DMR, and C4FM (YSF a..
390.00 €
This USB-stick facillitates the use of a PC to communicate on Dstar,DMR and C4FM! Jus..
99.95 €
NEW: We will deliver the euronode now with the newest software, the WPSD-dashboard (fka w0chp)!
if ..
159.50 €
NEW stock arrived!
By using the Globetrotter in combination with BlueDV, you have a pow..
149.95 €
Complete set of all needed components, choose type and color, single or dualband.
Set c..
145.00 €
Please also check out our newest hotspot! the Euronode!!
Complete hotspot, as..
165.00 €
The nanoFan is an addon for the myDV-nano units. It fits underneath the myDV-nano, and cools the uni..
20.00 €
Complete pre-assembled nanopi-neo LTS, with 512 RAM. Nice metal case, and great to use in your own d..
45.00 €
Check oput our newest hotspot, the Euronode!!
Complete set to build your own Hotspot!
199.00 €
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 (1 Pages)